If you are normally anxious about wearing diapers throughout the day in case someone sees, it may be easier to do that now! If there are private things you don’t bring to work (like a pacifier) now you can have it with you all the time. Have you wondered what it would be like to be diapered 24/7? To have accidents in the middle of the day? To drink out of a bottle every day? If you are in self quarantine mode, this can be the time to try it out. However there is also an upside – spending a lot of time at home can be an opportunity to try a new lifestyle. Now this could be a negative thing, especially for people who are really extraverted. Many people I know are working from home and staying in their apartments. Where I live everything is shutting down – businesses, schools, restaurants, clubs, bars. I just posted this post on my Patreon and decided to re-post it here.